Top ranked estate agencies based on customer satisfaction

The top national estate agency  brands in terms of reputation, value and customer satisfaction were identified as part of a new marketing study last month, see story below, but some additional data from the research has now been published.

Using YouGov data, marketing consultancy,, analysed 21,000 respondents averaging at 700 participants per brand as of July this year. says it deployed a Net Score in each case, determining the percentage of respondents with a positive brand view, and subtracting the percentage negative view. To ensure transparency and accuracy, brands with a sample size below 100 have been distinguished with an asterisk in the article and in grey in the image.

The presented results come with a 99% confidence level and a +/-1% margin of error, offering unparalleled reliability.

Survey Highlights:

National Real Estate Brands Property Professionals Would Be Proud to Work (or recommend working) For:

eXp: 100%
Fine & Country: 100%
Hamptons: 100%
Strutt & Parker: 100%


National Real Estate Brands Customers Would Be Proud to Work (or recommend working) For:

1. Fine & Country: 85%

2. Strutt & Parker: 78%

3. eXp*: 75%


National Real Estate Brands with a Positive Impression:

1. Fine & Country: 88%

2. eXp*: 86%

3. Strutt & Parker: 77%


National Real Estate Brands Representing Quality:

1. Fine & Country: 91%

2. Strutt & Parker: 82%

3. Hamptons: 81%


National Real Estate Brands Representing Value for Money:

1. easyProperty: 53%

2. Purplebricks: 51%

3. eXp*: 43%


National Real Estate Brands with Recent Positive Buzz:

1. Fine & Country: 76%

2. Strutt & Parker: 66%

3. Keller Williams*: 59%


Satisfied Customers of National Real Estate Brands:

1. eXp: 90%

2. Fine & Country: 83%

3. Knight Frank: 77%


National Real Estate Brands Discussed with Friends and Family Recently:

1. Purplebricks: 5.90%

2. Your Move: 1.43%

3. Savills: 1.20%

The founder of, Simon Leadbetter, said, “The survey results highlight several key players that consistently perform well across multiple categories. Notably, Fine & Country, eXp, and Strutt & Parker have repeatedly surfaced as top-tier brands in the eyes of both professionals and customers alike. Their consistently high rankings underscore their robust reputations and significant impact on the national real estate market.

“Furthermore, it’s worth spotlighting the unique business models of some of these top performers. Fine & Country operates on a distinctive structure where local independent agencies collaborate under an umbrella prime brand, amplifying the strength of individual agencies with the reach and resources of a national network. Other data work conducted by my agency demonstrates the expertise and customer experience of local independents that F&C has harnessed.

“On the other hand, brands like eXp and Keller Williams have adopted a self-employed model, offering individual agents’ autonomy while benefiting from the support and tools of a larger organisation.

“The presence and performance of these local independent powered brands, coupled with their innovative business structures, underscore the dynamic nature of the real estate industry and point towards an evolving landscape where both traditional and contemporary models co-exist and thrive.”


Shocking! The real estate brands that customers would recommend – or not



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  1. Robert_May

    Didn’t we had this story on August 9th with a different title?


    1. Simon Leadbetter

      Hello again Robert, nice to see you again. The problem with posting comments without reading an article is you miss the differences. The last article was about recommendation scores. As this article points out in the standfirst, this article followed that up with reputation, value and customer satisfaction (and a few other brand health factors). I hope that helped clear things up, Robert.

  2. Isa B Agent

    I thought that junk PR pieces couldn’t get any worse, and then I read this …

    1. Robert_May

      Its great for the brands mentioned but as an article it should have been challenged and would have been challenge by Ros Renshaw or Sheila Manchester rather than be simply published as supplied

      Agency doesn’t work the way this data and article suggest it does.


      I’m fairly sure if a vendor up  Forches, Gorwell or Derby in Barnstaple called up Fine and Country North Devon the F&C team would pass the enquiry across to Webbers. The agents who vendors would naturally turn to don’t get a mention. The one or two agents who know Forches, Gorwell and Derby won’t ever get a mention in this sort of 2+2 = 47 puffery


      Agency is #local, it always has been and always will be, that’s the reason  the BIG advertising budget passive intermediaries cannot dent #local agents. Russel  Burrington Ewemove, North Devon is an exceptional agent, that’s why he does well. Hillofwad (who used to post here) could point to a  long list of not exceptional shepherds who haven’t done so well.


  3. Chris Arnold

    Customer opinion is subjective and Net Scores are notoriously unreliable for service industry.


    Pointless exercise with 99% predictable results given Mr. Leadbetter ‘s past employment.



    1. Simon Leadbetter

      Are you okay, Chris? You realise that you demonstrate how little you know every time you comment.

      It’s important to note that the analysis used independent and robust YouGov data and has a 99% confidence level, making it a reliable source of information.

      Net Scores are a recognised metric for assessing brand perception across various industries, not just FMCG, as you incorrectly assert. YouGov designs the questions to be impartial. Customer opinions, while subjective, contribute to the overall health of a brand.

      As for my employment history, I have hidden nothing, and it doesn’t influence the independent analysis carried out in the survey. Are you libelling me by suggesting I have influenced the results? I hold no torch for former employers. I share data rather than ill-iformed, incoherent opinions.

      “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

  4. comment75

    What a lot of rubbish! I wonder how many of those brands Simon is or has been involved in….

  5. EAMD172

    Top out of how many? 10? How many agents are there in the Uk that aren’t national?
    Following another recent survey the top ranked national restaurants are Mc Donald’s, Burger King and KFC. Hmmm where shall I take my wife for dinner? Let me check the recent survey?

    1. Simon Leadbetter

      As I made clear, this is data about the top ten ‘national’ agencies. It would, therefore, be bizarre to include local agencies. Strawman arguments are a waste of everyone’s time. The smarter readers have realised that one of the most successful brands is actually a coalition of local independents operating under a prime national umbrella brand. Similarly, local empowerment seems to work well too. There are lessons there for cooler heads.

  6. RitaHayworth123

    Fascinating research. Interesting how the top two brands are independent and self employed.

    Funny how none of the negative comments declare who they work for!!

  7. John Murray

    Exactly Simon. eXp is not one business. It is the central umbrella for over 400 LOCAL, private, individual businesses and the mere fact we are being mentioned in such surveys is phenomenal. It highlights the passion those experienced agents who made the jump from paid to 100% unpaid roles, only being able to pay themselves based upon successful sales completions, initially from scratch have. Such businesses are built upon recommendations. Those commenting negatively and who are agents would  be better served focusing on getting their agencies mentioned on such surveys, remembering this is for national brands. The new model for success is having a national brand built up with unique, local boutique agencies, serving individual, local communities. Not a ‘one size fits all’ model.

    1. Simon Leadbetter

      You’ve hit the nail on the head, John. The fact that eXp (and others) serves as an umbrella to so many local, bespoke business owners – and still garners national attention – is a testament to the innovative business model and the hard work of everyone involved. It’s a beautiful synergy of local expertise under a recognisable national brand.

      Switching from a salaried position to an entirely commission-based role is no small feat, and it’s exhilarating to see such passion and drive lead to success. Kudos to those agents who’ve made the jump; they’re betting on themselves and winning.

      You’re spot-on about the power of recommendations, especially in a service-driven industry. Negative commentators should channel that energy into elevating their agencies rather than taking jabs at those succeeding innovatively.

      The future of business is not a monolithic, “one-size-fits-all” model but rather a mosaic of specialised local agencies with different business models that cater to the unique needs of their communities. eXp, niche operators, other local independents and individuals are perfectly positioned to exemplify new models for success.

      1. John Murray

        …and I also wish PIE insisted on everyone using verified personal names when commenting. Some of those, not all, making critical statements to you do so from a backdrop of annonymity and no doubt, they put forward views from their own company/employer – but we are not privy as to who they are as they hide behind the privacy of their keyboards. In addition, it is one thing criticising…we are all allowed to do that, when it is based upon heart-felt reasoning and belief…it is another plainly alluding to a lack of integrity and those that post such comments should take a long hard look in the mirror. Not nice people, in my opinion. I am reminded of the saying, “play the ball, not the man/woman”.

        1. Robert_May

          Those with good memories have seen exactly this before;  data skewed or engineered to make a specific point to make something look better than it is. Adam (Dunning Kruger) would have to acknowledge that as its what he was doing in autumn 2013 when he was first trying to convince the entire industry self employed passive intermediary internet listers (disruptors) would- to quote one of his direct competitor/group-thinkers have a 50% market share by 2016

          Those with the ability to  rainman recall those conversations would have to  admit things have turned out as I said they would and the self employed model has turned out as I was discussing with ‘Hound’ on EAT before we followed Ros to PIE ( I described how hybrid  agency could work with talented and exceptional  agents but wouldn’t work for  journeymen who want an easy ride, the agents I quoted back then have gone on to have exceptional agencies)


          Simon’s press releases aren’t  aimed at the EYE audience in general they’re aimed at a very specific audience because of that  they’re vexatious stuff the  majority don’t want or need to read. No-one should be surprised at the negative reaction this ‘research’ isn’t how the property industry works



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