BTL investors warned after landlord handed suspended jail sentence
Buy-to-landlords must be aware of violations that could lead to potential imprisonment and hefty fines
Buy-to-landlords must be aware of violations that could lead to potential imprisonment and hefty fines
A new report shows that the number of planning consents for sites has dropped to its lowest level in 15 years
Movemnt, operated by Houseful, part of Zoopla, and LMS have worked closely with law firms to inform the product development
The company has grown from just under 50 employees to over 70 in this time with further growth plans in the months to come
Customer reviews form part of the selection process
Lettings activity fuels profits and revenue at the 156-branch London-based agency
Snippets of industry news: LSL appoints non-exec director; Simon Whale lands new role; United Kingdom Sotheby’s International Realty unveils new director
HSBC has followed Barclays and NatWest by cutting rates across its residential and buy-to-let loans from today
Jeremy Dharmasena, head of leasehold reform & litigation at Knight Frank, shares his thoughts
Many homeowners and landlords need urgent access to schemes that enable them to make green improvements, says Rightmove
There will be lots of useful information for agents attending the virtual event
To make serious money, it’s time to move the needle and generate more revenue
Fewer buyers and renters are visiting high street branches, instead researching properties online
Snippets of industry news: Gibbs Gillespie promotes Tim Buckley to area sales director; Home Builders Federation appoints chief executive; Colliers UK and Ireland CEO to retire
The local community looks set to to benefit from plenty of hard work
With affordability still a real challenge for homebuyers and demand continuing to outstrip supply, there is an abundance of tenants ready to rent across the country
Fresh data paints a worrying picture of the pressures many renters are now under and has implications for landlords with tenants in arrears
Stubborn cost-of-living pressures explain why the Bank of England felt unable to cut the base rate last week