Property giants push ahead with merger despite competition concerns
The Competition and Markets Authority has been investigating the deal
The Competition and Markets Authority has been investigating the deal
Penalties for non-compliance can be significant
Snippets of industry news: New regional sales director appointed at Spicerhaart; Bidwells announces senior hire; CoPSO chair to step down
Conveyancing blamed for delaying the selling process
You may think this is not going to affect you – but there appears to be no lower limit to the size of business affected
Landlords who fail to apply for a licence will be committing a criminal offence
Standard commission rates in the US are among the highest in the world
Lender suggests that support for landlords could include tax-deductible improvement costs
Despite expected seasonal dip, market is set up for busier autumn, according to latest analysis
Rate cut, better-than-expected inflation numbers and positive Rightmove data boosts optimism
The valuation of the company should exceed £100m, with the sale process “entering its second round”
Trade body warns measures will “do more harm than good” for people struggling to find somewhere to live
Landlords will have to bear the costs of dealing with infestations, trade body warns
Appointment will help drive company’s ambition to become “Amazon of property compliance services”
GetAgent points to CPIH data to explain buyer and seller hesitancy
Initiative supports talented students from underrepresented backgrounds
Event will raise funds for Variety to support disabled and disadvantaged children
London mayor Sadiq Khan reportedly working on other housing priorities for the capital
Estate agents’ sales pipelines 18.4% higher than 12 months ago and conveyancing taking six days less