Keir Starmer warns autumn budget will be ‘painful’ and so what taxes might be raised?
The chancellor has ruled out raising national insurance, VAT or income tax but says ‘difficult decisions to come’ amid £22bn public finance shortfall
The chancellor has ruled out raising national insurance, VAT or income tax but says ‘difficult decisions to come’ amid £22bn public finance shortfall
A cacophony of voices call for rent controls to be abolished citing economic evidence of their overall adverse impact
Estate agency calculates that Labour’s housing targets could provide £161.6bn boost for the property market over the next five years
Simon Leadbetter’s We Are Unchained is taking its “30 Years of Marketing in One Day” course to new venues
The new agreement will see the estate agency’s clients referred to competitor, as owner prepares to step away from the business with a view to retiring after 45 years as an estate agent
There is a growing fear that the new partnership will lead to higher prices for estate agents and consumers, triggering competition concerns
The estate agency is seeking to recruit and build a dedicated team ahead of the new office opening in October
How has the landscape in the UK property market altered over the last 90 days?
Lower mortgage payments have pulled the cost of buying back below renting, bringing relief to those looking for their first home in the capital
The property portal says its rental leads per listing are currently up 26% compared to the pre-election period
The rising price of energy in recent years means that renters and homeowners are likely having to closely consider their total monthly outgoings when choosing their next home
The study also revealed that the majority of those surveyed find buying a home more stressful than selling
Ambitious plans for future grow: The company is reigniting its acquisition strategy with a multi-million pound investment in its estate agency and lettings businesses
Property listings and sales are up on last year, but overvaluing remains a curse on the estate agency industry
One area that has not got much attention in the wake of the pandemic is the residential sector
The new short-term lets registration scheme aims to give councils greater oversight and control of housing in their areas
As part of the professional body’s #MOREFOR24 campaign, Propertymark members can attend one of the conferences for free
Employer NI last increased 1.8% from a 12% rate in April 2018
Those who had financial help from parents on average bought their first home over six years sooner