Is managing more important than leading in estate agency?
Being a good leader is essential, but do you understand the basics of good management?
Being a good leader is essential, but do you understand the basics of good management?
Angela Rayner has officially launched the New Homes Accelerator taskforce to unlock up to 300,000 stalled homes
This latest penalty follows an earlier fine of £10,000 imposed on the same landlords for failing to license another property
The last Friday in August tends to be the busiest day of the year to move
A 4×4-type vehicle was pictured off the road with multiple police officers present
The landlord allowed six tenants to occupy an unlicensed property
The expansion supports the estate agency brand’s ambitious growth plans
Alongside its sponsorship of The Voice UK, Rightmove will be present across high-profile TV slots and outdoor nationwide this autumn
The tenants’ rental income will go towards the management of the properties, while the owner remains responsible for paying the mortgages
For many, achieving this feat is not just challenging; it is nearly ‘impossible’, leaving thousands of landlords with little choice but to sell or raise rents to cover higher costs
In addition, the estate agency has implemented a new AI system to help streamline the business
The number one priority for most agents right now is replacing the loss of accidental landlords who are leaving the market
The 24th of August, the day after the pub’s opening, saw a surge in searches online for homes in Burford
Estate agency’s research shows that London’s best parks generally provide healthy house price premiums when compared to the wider boroughs in which they are found
Buyers remain price sensitive as their purchasing power has been eroded by higher mortgage rates
This latest achievement appears to cement eXp UK as the largest self-employed estate agency platform in the UK
The rental sector has become much more expensive and unpredictable for landlords over the last decade
The speaker line-up includes Daniel Daggers of DDRE Global, Propertymark’s Nathan Emerson, Zoopla’s Richard Donnell, Christopher Watkin, Russell Quirk, among others
Snippets of industry news: Savills appoints head of new homes; Hamptons’ new regional sales director moves from Barnard Marcus; Barratt David Wilson Homes names new CD