If rents ‘escalate any further, prices will prove simply unaffordable’
UK rents continue rising ‘unlocking a challenging new chapter in the housing crunch’
UK rents continue rising ‘unlocking a challenging new chapter in the housing crunch’
Trade body says debate around the Renters’ Rights Bill should be seen as an opportunity to consider fresh ideas in improving standards within the private rented sector
Webinar aims to help navigate agents through a period of substantial change
The sheer size and value of the second home housing market is immense, says estate agent
Letting agents and landlords are encouraged to response before the deadline tomorrow
Statement issued regarding potential cash and share offer from the Australian firm, in which the Murdoch family-controlled News Corp owns a majority stake
Labour MP, Jas Athwal, has apologised for allowing his tenants to live in mould and ant-infested conditions
Estate agents generally expect to see the number of property transactions increase now that the Bank of England has started on the journey of cutting interest rates
The figures provide the first look at house price performance since interest rates were cut at the start of August
The number of mortgages approved for home buyers has jumped to its highest level since the month the mini-budget was delivered under then-prime minister Liz Truss
Snippets of industry news: New Savills director joins from CBRE; Housemark appoints CTO; Henry Adams strengthens planning team
As the rental market returns to normal rates of rent inflation some landlords are opting to list homes for sale that were previously rented
Unaffordable rents, a lack of social housing and high living costs are making it hard for many households to secure a stable home – new partnership seeks to address that
Labour is already pushing ahead with housing initiatives
Recent revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), mark significant steps towards addressing the country’s housing challenges
Estate agency says its has further acquisitions under contract
UK house prices and sales agreed in August 10% ahead of expectations, but estate agents overvaluing still holding the market back
This purchase forms an important part of the agency’s expansion plans
Providing the economy continues to recover steadily, Nationwide expects that housing market activity is likely to strengthen gradually as affordability constraints ease