Fewer vendors opt for off-market sales

There has been a sharp fall in the number of vendors choosing to sell their home off-market without it being openly advertised, fresh research has found.  

Data analytics company TwentyEA found that across the UK, vendors are now 18.3% less likely to sell their home this way than in 2023.  

All regions of the UK saw a reduction in sentiment but this was lowest in Scotland where vendors are now 13.5% less likely to sell off-market this year compared to last year and the highest was in Northern Ireland with a 28% drop in likelihood. In England, the highest fall was in the North East at 27.5%.  

TwentyEA examined its whole of market coverage of advertised properties for sale and compared it with further downstream activities in the buying process such as the number of legal searches conducted on properties to obtain a viable comparison. 


% change

Northern Ireland


North East


East of England


Yorkshire and The Humber


East Midlands


South East


Outer London




North West


South West


Inner London


West Midlands










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