Is a housing market crash coming?

This week’s Agents MVMT podcast ‘Pass the Syrup’, presented by Ben Madden, features Megan Eighteen of Location Location, Daniel King of and Reece Maddick of RedRoots Property.

The guests give their views on what’s happen at Keller Williams UK and why, the barrage of media coverage the property market crash continues to receive, and the role of social media plays in estate agency.

Guests are also asked to talk about great agents they’ve worked with, give their feedback on a current Agents Together challenge mentees are facing, and any tips for agents in the current climate.

If you would like to take part in the Agents MVMT initiative, provide a feature or be a guest on the podcast, please contact Ben Madden directly at


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One Comment

  1. Elliot Ness

    Come on Ben Madden…

    Your MD was Ben Taylor’s Market Centre Director before she moved to her current role. She couldn’t make an MC work so she wisely left. 

    Your previous CEO was the CMO at KWUK having been persuaded to leave Knight Frank. When the KWUK CEO failed to deliver he very wisely left for F&C. 

    KW Warwick & KW Bristol dissolved their businesses having realised the probability of decent profits was slim. It was their choice not KWUK’s. The OP KW Bristol is now at Fine & Country you probably know him so ask him directly. 

    You failed to mention KW London Bridge, Glasgow, Leeds & Gatwick. 

    Growth Share which is 2% of gross commission income is not a pyramid scheme. Happy to explain the difference. It’s a lazy answer and factually quite wrong. 

    A bit of history – eXp was borne out of KW in 2008. The key difference is a flat structure with no MCs so less to split. Why is eXp doing well in the UK and KW isn’t – look to the top! 

    Building this type of model in the UK is tricky but everyone is trying it. Even you very own Sean Newman. Nobody’s cracked it yet!

    Most EAs in the UK are SMEs that employ 2-4 people. They get a poor deal from all the suppliers – portals etc. etc. So building a cooperative that gives them support, leverage and economies of scale is surely a good thing?

    In the states KW has a 25% market share. KW globally has about 10% of the global market for EA commission. Yet in the UK it’s a curious novelty at best and a lamentable laughing stock at worst. 

    So many social media posts/videos etc I see are borrowing the content from the Millionaire Real Estate Agent or The One Thing or similar. Even Agent Together borrows from the KW model. 2 of Michael Bruce’s favourite EA books are the MREA & The 1 Thing. Michael is a prolific reader btw. 

    Do the maths – if it’s the not the model (globally) it must be the execution of the model (in the UK) and that failure lies with its’ leader. The leader is not prepare to accept that its needs to be adjusted as the UK is not the USA. It’s a fundamental failure of leadership! 


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